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Killing babies because they’re expensive is wrong
28 Sep 2019
Abortion is wrong. But some women can’t afford a baby. How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders
Vegetarian spider
08 Nov 2010
A jumping spider in Central America looks like an athletic predator, but it eats Acacia leaf tips and nectar.
by David Catchpoole
Is charity more important than apologetics?
12 Feb 2011
Some people say that feeding the poor is more important than debating ‘side issues’ such as creation. Are they right?
by Lita Sanders
Was the Virgin Birth non-miraculous?
26 Dec 2009
The fact that Mary’s first-born child was male puts paid to any attempts to explain away Jesus’ divine origin as a natural parthenogenetic birth.
by Lita Sanders
‘Once upon a time’
24 Mar 2014
‘Early Cambrian’ arthropod fossils showing ‘exceptionally preserved eyes’ with ‘modern optics’ should be an eye-opener for evolutionists—but they resort to ‘spin’ instead
by David Catchpoole
Ark objections
26 Jul 2016
An objection to a scale model of Noah’s Ark reveals the real reason so many people reject the Flood.
by Marc Ambler
Letters to the Editor
by various
God’s DNA-detangling motors
01 Feb 2023
Complex operations within a cell have to be present from the start for it to function at all.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Significance versus insignificance
02 Nov 2009
Secularists, such as Carl Sagan, diminish the significance of humans in their cosmology and then struggle to find meaning and purpose for human life.
by Don Batten
Creation Answer Book raises questions
05 Jul 2012
Problematic statements about the age of the earth mar a new book about creation.
by Lita Sanders
Dinosaur proteins and radiocarbon wreak ‘Jurassic World’ havoc
25 Jun 2015
Collaborative creation research falsifies the evolutionary dates for the alleged ‘age of dinosaurs’.
by Brian Thomas
The incredible human brain
26 Aug 2019
As powerful evidence for a Designer’s existence, look no further than inside your head.
by Peter Line