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Were penguins specifically designed for freezing cold environments?
06 Aug 2022
This week we feature a friendly query about penguin design.
by Andrew Lamb
From Creation to Salvation
15 Jun 2017
A new book shows why should we believe in a recent, six-day creation? Because Jesus and the authors of the New Testament did.
by Gary Bates
The albatross—master aviator of the ocean winds
30 Sep 2019
Powered by ocean wind shear, the dynamic soaring of the albatross enables it to fly for thousands of miles just above the sea surface without flapping its wings.
by David Catchpoole
Three early arguments for deep time—part I: time needed to erode valleys
07 Dec 2012
Part I: Time needed to erode valleys.
by John K Reed
Convert to Creation
07 Jan 2019
How a fascination with birds led to a lifetime of scientific investigation.
by Margaret Wieland
The design of life: part 4—variation-inducing genetic elements and their function
21 May 2010
The function of variation-inducing genetic elements (VIGEs).
by Peer Terborg
At a loss to answer objections?
27 Mar 2012
Many times we can be at a loss when trying to answer objections when ‘on the front lines’ of evangelism, and CMI exists to equip Christians with those answers.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Did Darwin Kill God
15 Dec 2009
A recent television charade promotes theistic evolution. But why would the BBC produce such a film?
by Russell Grigg
Do parents have the right to teach their children?
23 Oct 2010
Children are not yet capable of sorting through truth claims themselves, so who will teach them how?
by Lita Sanders
Lesson 1
The Geology Book -- study guide: Lesson 1
by anon
Reza Aslan’s Zealot, a second-rate rehashing of discredited theories
01 Oct 2013
Was Jesus a revolutionary political leader?
by Lita Sanders
Should we be open-minded?
25 May 2014
Should Christians embrace teachings from other religions?
by Lita Sanders