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Sandy surprise
17 Mar 2010
When most people look at huge sandstone cliffs, for example, they are conditioned in today’s culture to think in terms of millions of years. But this swimming pool owner, from hard experience, knows you don’t need the millions of years.
by n/a
National Geographic plays the dating game
by John Woodmorappe
How cats drink milk without wetting their chins
21 Apr 2014
Contrary to popular belief, cats do not ‘ladle’ milk into their mouths.
by David Catchpoole
A tasty morsel—left uneaten
06 Jul 2009
A leopard’s gentleness towards a baboon orphan defies evolution.
by David Catchpoole
‘Thought bombs’ and the ‘ripple effect’
by Carl Wieland
Genetic algorithms are irrelevant to evolution
by David Abel 
Communicating truth with grace
29 Sep 2013
The best way to communicate truth is with ‘gentleness and respect’.
by Lita Sanders
Exploring the God Question 1. The Cosmos, Part 1 (The big bang)
02 Dec 2014
A DVD discussing whether or not God exists needs a push in the right direction.
by Russell Grigg
Remarkable Fish River Canyon, Namibia
18 May 2015
The watery formation in an arid land of the second largest continental canyon in the world
by Tas Walker
Defending young earth is not biblical?
21 Feb 2015
Is it wrong to deduce from the Bible the concept of the earth being young?
by Carl Wieland
Refuting Jehovah’s Witnesses’ errors
19 Mar 2022
Refuting Jehovah’s Witnesses: Did Jesus die on a stake or a cross? And is God’s name Jehovah or Yahweh? Why do English Bibles translate God’s name as LORD?
by Joel Tay
Sound bites vs sound science
05 Jan 2012
If you want to be ready to defend your faith, it pays to be aware of some of these very common sceptical ploys.
by Carl Wieland