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Big bang critic passes away
31 Dec 2013
Astronomer Halton Arp was no creationist, but his discoveries and publications showing major defects in big bang belief were legendary.
by John Hartnett
Is the faint young sun paradox solved?
28 Dec 2012
The earth would have been a ‘snowball’ if an evolutionary origin of the solar system was true.
by Michael J Oard
Human evolution: oh so clear?
25 Jul 2011
The existence of radically different evolutionary scenarios of human origins shows that human evolution is no ‘fact’ but an exercise in storytelling.
by Don Batten
Monkey minds
05 May 2016
If our minds were undesigned, accidental byproducts of evolution, why would we trust them?
by Keaton Halley
Sloppy, lazy and dishonest
24 Apr 2009
Yet another compromising neo-evangelical book that attacks biblical creationists but ignores or distorts their actual arguments. This one promotes the unbiblical “Analogical Days” view.
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Is ‘string’ the next big thing?
25 May 2009
Some are tempted to marry their ideas about God to the latest fad in physics, like ‘string theory’. But such ideas often only exist as scratches on paper, without experimental support.
by Gary Bates
Origin from Dan Brown vs Genesis from God
13 Mar 2018
Best-selling author Dan Brown sets his sights on attacking creation—and gives creation.com a mention.
by Joan Jordan
The breath of life
30 May 2018
The incredible design of our respiratory system points to an intelligent Designer and not blind chance.
by David Demick
Dino proteins and blood vessels: are they a big deal?
09 May 2009
One blog claimed, ‘finding the rare, hardy biomolecule from dinosaurs is nothing to get excited about’. But see why proteins could survive the Flood but not eons.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
The silky anteater
10 Mar 2014
It loves to hide in silk-cotton trees, where it’s well camouflaged. And it eats ants. Lots of ants. Up to 8,000 ants in a single night
by David Catchpoole
Muhammad was wrong … what about Moses?
08 Dec 2013
How do we decide which revelation is genuine and which isn’t?
by Lita Sanders
From a frog to a … frog!
26 Apr 2017
The incredible transformation from tadpole to frog defies evolutionary explanation.
by Adrian Bates