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Origins of pathogenic microbes: part 2—viruses
03 Apr 2020
Where did disease-causing viruses come from?
by Warren A. Shipton
The creationist basis for modern science
The creationist basis for modern science
Skeptic challenges biblical origin of chalk
02 Apr 2022
But the evidence and arguments turn the tables and challenge the skeptic to reject evolutionary dogma.
by Gavin Cox
Many paths lead to high-altitude adaptation
02 Oct 2020
Discover how many paths lead to it.
by Jean K. Lightner
The obscuring of God’s image will hurt society
30 Mar 2021
Today, as has been true throughout history, people do what is right in their own eyes. Society’s straying from God, and blurring His image in individuals, is harmful all round.
by Lucien Tuinstra
The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021, and other Icelandic volcanoes
30 Nov 2021
Recent Icelandic volcanoes highlight major changes to landform in a matter of months and years.
by Andrew Sibley
Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?
15 May 2020
Is the data on which the secular Milankovitch theory of climate forcing saved by a 1997 paper?
by Jake Hebert
Creationist geology field trip in the media—just
29 May 2011
A recent creationist geology field trip made it into the news—just. And still the media sought an evolutionist geologist’s view for ‘balance’.
by Tas Walker
What does it mean to be a “living  creature”?
18 Feb 2021
Would a robotic dog that could make copies of itself be alive?
by James R. Hughes
Church membership down—Why?
09 May 2024
For decades Church membership in the West has been declining, why is that happening?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Eddystone Lighthouse
13 Jul 2021
How God’s design inspired the enduring design of John Smeaton’s Eddystone lighthouse.
by Grant Williams
Horus—the deified Ham: part 1
24 Feb 2023
Can Noah’s family be found in Egyptian myths about their gods?
by Gavin Cox