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Evidence for turtle evolution
13 Mar 2009
Turtles have unique design, and their hard shells leave an excellent fossil record. Yet they show no evolution—the ‘oldest’ turtles are fully-formed turtles.
by Jerry Bergman and Wayne Frair
How can distant starlight reach us in just 6,000 years?
16 Mar 2024
Creationists have more in their armoury now to deal with that question than ever before—while the problems for long-age evolutionists just get worse.
by Mark Harwood
Mammoth—riddle of the Ice Age
28 Sep 2016
These huge creatures are used for evolutionary propaganda, but they can best be explained from a biblical worldview.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Has the Garden of Eden been found?
Has the Garden of Eden been found?
by Tas Walker
Whale evolution fraud
12 Apr 2014
Whale evolution depends on three fossil species. Claims about these being transitional to whales have now been shown to be bogus.
by Don Batten
Living fossils: a powerful argument for creation
23 Feb 2011
Dr Carl Werner discovered that the world’s museums contain fossils of many of today’s creatures, but found in ‘dinosaur’ rock. Why aren’t these fossils on display?
by Don Batten
DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess?
DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess? by Jonathan Sarfati 2003 was the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The mystery of ancient man
22 Dec 2010
Colossal stone monuments, advanced civil engineering, lost civilizations … No, it’s not an adventure movie! But our ancient past reveals a true story far more interesting.
by Steve Cardno
Should we trust the Bible?
03 Jun 2023
Since CMI is based on the Bible, why should the Bible be trusted? Does our current text represent the original, and is the original accurate?
by Jonathan Sarfati
More space travel problems: g-forces
18 Jul 2023
A spacecraft travelling at merely a third of the speed of light would take over 13 years to reach the nearest star. But slowing down and turning would generate fatal g-forces.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
Tortoises of the Galápagos
12 Jul 2023
Among the creatures most readily associated with the iconic evolutionary status of the Galápagos Islands are these lumbering armoured reptiles.
by Lita Cosner and Jonothan Sarfati