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Message in a bottle
28 Mar 2018
A bottle encased in solid rock proves fossils don’t require millions of years.
by Tas Walker
Amber needed water (and lots of it)
07 Jun 2010
New research reveals a clue as to how aquatic organisms (e.g. barnacles, clams) became entombed in amber.
by David Catchpoole
Stonehenge: new discoveries are still stunning archaeologists!
29 Jun 2020
Archaeologists uncover huge new structure near Stonehenge testifying to ancient man’s ingenuity and brilliance.
by Gavin Cox
Please Pardon This Interruption
Refutation of apostate Bart Ehrman’s latest attack on Christianity and the reliability of the New Testament, Jesus Interrupted
by James Patrick Holding
Monuments from Ancient Assyria confirm biblical history
15 Sep 2014
Archaeological evidence from the British Museum
by Peter Masters
Evolutionary art?
25 Sep 2017
It’s claimed to be ‘evolutionary art’, but evolution has no plausible explanation for incredible images on the wings of a remarkable fly.
by Philip Bell
Speech, music—and Neandertals
19 Mar 2024
Humans turn out to have a remarkable ability that is not needed for survival. But it is useful in praising the Creator …
by Carl Wieland
Darwinopterus v Dawkins
27 Oct 2009
Dawkins’ latest book The Greatest Show on Earth purports to provide the proof of evolution. Yet this new pterosaur fossil upsets a hypothesis he endorses. Read this chapter from our forthcoming refutation.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Lost World of Walton
14 Mar 2019
Wheaton college professors write a series of books encouraging evangelicals to abandon the biblical understanding of Creation and the Flood as taught by Christ and the NT writers.
by Gavin Cox
What you need to know about the James Webb Space Telescope
26 Dec 2021
Will it really see the most distant galaxies? Do the quoted distances prove they are billions of years old?
by Joshua Howells and Mark Harwood
Why does Richard Dawkins want to eat human meat?
16 Mar 2018
Richard Dawkins wants to eat lab-grown human meat. Why?
by Lita Sanders
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox
10 Jul 2018
Oxford scientists cast doubt on intelligent life outside Earth; Elon Musk says this is all the more reason to colonize space.
by Paul Price