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Bacteria not made of arsenic after all
12 Jul 2012
Claims of ‘new biology’ and ET life fall flat.
by Shaun Doyle
Yet another old-earther accuses a creationist of believing in evolution
12 Apr 2016
More old-earth distortions of biblical creation and speciation
by Nick Sabato
The gift of death? Planned Parenthood offers abortion gift cards for Christmas
16 Dec 2008
Planned Parenthood, a major abortion provider, loves to offer death when Christians celebrate life. PP’s racist and eugenicist roots are a well-kept secret by its supporters, including the recent president-elect.
by Lita Sanders
DNA Battles
16 Aug 2018
A new DVD highlights deceptive false teaching under the guise of science.
by Gary Bates
“This changes everything!”
20 Jul 2017
Understanding that data don’t speak for themselves, but make sense only with the right interpretive framework.
by Jim Mason
The Pelican Spider: also known as the assassin spider
24 Nov 2014
A highly unusual spider testifies to biblical creation.
by Len de Beer
Entry-level Christian teaching should include biblical creation
11 Apr 2015
So often Christians have not received any training on how to defend their faith starting with the book of foundations–Genesis.
by Gary Bates
Nebraskan deer mice—evolution’s latest ‘icon’?
30 Jun 2021
A colour mutation that camouflages deer mice against a sandy background is a great example of natural selection.
by David Catchpoole
Aren’t Adam, Eve and Noah just legends?
The idea that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are not historical doesn’t stand up in the face of a ‘vital’ age-old principle.
by Andy McIntosh
Will Heaven be boring?
16 May 2015
We answer the questions: Will heaven be boring with no sin? And, how did people start interpreting the Bible to allow for homosexuality?
by Lita Sanders
The Timeless Art of Violin Making; A Brief History
The Timeless Art of Violin Making; A Brief History
by Christopher R. Vasquez
Soft tissue preservation in a ‘Jurassic’ ichthyosaur
20 Jan 2021
More evidence that fossils are better explained in the biblical timeframe
by Phil Robinson