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The iron snow dynamo theory for Ganymede
01 Mar 2024
How could Ganymede’s magnetic field continue to exist after over 4 billion years of solar system history?
by Wayne Spencer
Focus: creation news and views 43(2)
Focus: creation news and views 43(2)
by anon
Global Flood of Genesis
29 Feb 2024
Textual and logical reasons why the Genesis flood must have been global not local, and why it matters for biblical history.
by Jonathan Sarfati
6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel? (part 1)
Does belief in old earth creation or young earth creation impact the Gospel? If so, how? If not, are these topics side issues? How important are they really?
by Richard Fangrad and Alexander Osborne
The Fantastic Theory
The Fantastic Theory, or how the myth of evolution came about
Motors in the cell
Creation for Kids: Motors in the cell
by Erin Hughes and Lita Cosner
Does Carbon Dating Prove Millions of Years?
Does Carbon Dating Prove Millions of Years?
by Joel Tay and Scott Gillis
Rocky planets
28 Feb 2024
Explore the captivating worlds of Mercury, Venus, and Mars—where scorching heat, crushing pressure, and frigid desolation reveal the unique splendor of our Earth as the perfect cradle of life.
by Lita Sanders and Jonathan Sarfati
Parametric design—evidence of creation
22 Mar 2024
Do the form and function of organisms show signs of their parameters being constrained for function and form?
by Michael Milroy
Science, farming, and faith
19 Feb 2024
Ron Neller interviews agricultural systems researcher, Dr Ken Rickert
by Ron Neller
Focus: creation news and views 43(3)
Focus: creation news and views 43(3)
by anon
Salt magma and sediments interfingered
Current secular theories cannot adequately explain salt formations. What about a high energy, short term event, such as Noah’s Flood?
by Stef J. Heerema and Gert-Jan H.A. van Heugten