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Page 47 of 486 (5824 Articles)
Is Genesis History?
Documentary on Genesis history from a biblical and scientific perspective
by Jonathan Sarfati
Our young solar system
23 Mar 2024
Multiple lines of evidence support the Bible’s age of the solar system.
by Wayne Spencer
A tale of ancient toothpaste
26 Mar 2014
by David Catchpoole
The chromosome 2 fusion model of human evolution—part 1: re-evaluating the evidence
21 Sep 2012
Part 1: re-evaluating the evidence
by Jerry Bergman, Jeffrey Tomkins
The problem of evil: pre-Fall animal death?
29 Mar 2011
Did Adam’s pre-Fall immortality depend on access to the Tree of Life and was there any sort of death of sentient animals before the Fall?
by Philip Bell
A living dinosaur?
01 Jan 2014
Does the Congo’s ‘mokele-mbembe’ also live in PNG?
by David Catchpoole, Carl Wieland
The adaptation of bacteria to feeding on nylon waste
Bacteria adapting to feed on nylon waste is held up as proof of ‘evolution’. But is that really true?
by Don Batten
Timing of events in Noah’s life
12 Mar 2011
When was Shem born? How long did Noah have to build the Ark? Was mankind’s lifespan reduced to 120 years?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Can Christians believe evolution?
21 Oct 2010
As we have often stated, we regard evolution as contrary to Scripture, but Christians can still be saved despite believing in it. A guest author explains some reasons for this, including how Christians are never fully mature when saved.
by Kevin Moritz
Fossils in the wrong place?
02 May 2011
Yes and no!
by Michael Oard
Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish?
20 Apr 2024
How to answer a common objection from scoffers.
by David Catchpoole
Decreased lifespans: Have we been looking in the right place?
Decreased lifespans: Have we been looking in the right place?
by Carl Wieland