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Lottie moon
30 Jun 2014
A life poured out for China and for God
by Russell Grigg
What is the problem with starlight in transit?
02 Jul 2016
And do various biblical miracles have the same problem?
by Lita Sanders
Evidence some woolly mammoths asphyxiated from dust
24 Feb 2017
Windy conditions after the Ice Age may have caused the demise of these iconic animals.
by Michael Oard
The mystery of the Mummy
26 Apr 2011
What is the link between the death of Tutankhamun—the most famous Egyptian Pharaoh of them all—and evolution? Facts don’t speak for themselves!
by Dominic Statham
Thank you, ‘blogosphere battlers’—you’re making a difference
13 Sep 2012
Even stay-at-home grandmothers are becoming online ‘soldiers for Christ’ at the frontline of the origins debate—and making a difference
by David Catchpoole
Utterly preserved cells are not remnants—a critique of Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth
06 Apr 2018
Evolutionists’ attempts to explain stunning preservation in fossils are totally unconvincing.
by Mark Armitage
The Lost Path to the Roman Road
11 Jun 2013
The best thing to use in the fight against a religion is actually another religion.
by Calvin Smith
North American ‘feathered’ dinosaurs a flight of fancy
08 Nov 2012
Artist’s drawing is a flight of fancy.
by Tas Walker
A ‘no brainer’ test for measuring the faith of our young ones
18 Aug 2016
Quiet children might be ‘good’ children. But if they are not asking challenging questions about the faith then they might be borrowing yours!
by Gary Bates
Horsetails are ‘living fossils’!
17 Sep 2012
Long familiar to keen gardeners, horsetails are ‘living fossils’, unchanged from their supposedly ‘prehistoric’ ancestors.
by David Catchpoole
Cosmic Inflation: Did it really happen?
11 Sep 2015
Progressive creationist Hugh Ross has declared as fact something about the alleged big bang that even evolutionists want to be true but have not claimed.
by John G. Hartnett
Snakes: designed to kill?
15 Nov 2010
Snakes look like they were designed to kill. How does this fit with God creating everything ‘very good’?
by Philip Bell