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Answering angry anti-Christianity
15 Apr 2002
by Jonathan Sarfati
Rock layers and caves
30 Jul 2011
Are creationists mistaken about how they form, and how long they take to form?
by Emil Silvestru, Tas Walker
The paradox of Pacific guyots and thick ‘reefal’ limestone
17 Oct 2014
Explaining the existence of guyots supposedly causes problems for creationists but the reverse is the case.
by Michael Oard
Why is theistic evolution so problematic?
04 May 2014
Dialogue with a long-time theistic evolutionary objector to our material highlights the problems and dangers of theistic evolution.
by Carl Wieland
Theistic evolution and the doctrine of death
15 Jun 2021
‘No death before sin’, say biblical creationists, as an argument against theistic evolution—but there is so much more to the argument than that.
by Philip Bell
‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’—a movie review
08 Jan 2009
A remake of the 1951 classic continues the ‘spiritual’ themes, but with a hyperenvironmentalist-new age flavour. And more about ‘evolving’.
by Carl Wieland
19th century minister to colleague: Darwin will drag you down
08 Jul 2014
Clear-thinking clergyman warned of the theological confusion that would follow from abandoning what God told us in Genesis and embracing Charles Darwin’s view of origins.
by Warren Nunn
The tapir
18 May 2020
‘Primitive’? A ‘hodge-podge of leftovers’? Or something else?
by David Catchpoole
Which came first: the Archaeopteryx or the dinosaur egg?
27 May 2014
The first bird from a dinosaur egg! Who dunnit?
by Russell Grigg
Creation in-depth: Internal oceanic waves and sedimentation
30 May 2014
How recent sedimentation research helps show the plausibility of Noah’s Flood.
by Michael J Oard
Secular biology class confirms design
28 Feb 2011
Despite the materialistic assumptions that pervade science classes, evidence of God’s handiwork cannot be easily hidden.
by Joseph Benson
Godly lessons from evolution superheroes
22 Sep 2009
Science fiction with its pervasive evolutionary undertones has a massive influence on young minds, as the author can testify. Parents and youth leaders need to be especially aware of this…
by Phil Robinson