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David Hume and divine design
08 Apr 2017
18th century skeptic David Hume formulated some of the most famous arguments against design. Do they stand us under scrutiny?
by Shaun Doyle
Wrong radiometric dates, and why they matter
16 Jul 2016
Radiometric dating methods often give wrong dates for rocks. Some critics argue that creationists shouldn’t point this out, because the methods should not have been used in the first place.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Wonders of Life—Part 2: ‘Endless forms most beautiful’
06 Apr 2013
Professor Brian Cox believes that Darwin’s theory can explain the diversity of life.
by Dominic Statham
Seeing is believing for evolutionists
09 Jul 2016
An evolutionist challenges creationists to look at what he considers is strong evidence for his position: different modes of birth among otherwise related creatures.
by Philip Bell
Creation apologetics in youth ministry
02 Feb 2016
‘It’s a jungle out there’ for young people from Christian families so what are we doing to prepare and equip them to stand strong and defend the faith?
by Thomas Fretwell
Debunking Freud
01 Aug 2015
A reader asks for proof that Freud’s assaults on Christianity have been discredited.
by Keaton Halley
Giant molecular clouds
15 Mar 2016
Attempts to explain how stars formed inevitably lead to storytelling, and a good imagination.
by John G. Hartnett
Skeptic puzzled by ‘Question Evolution’ campaign
11 Feb 2012
CMI’s point-by-point response to a respectful, thoughtful enquiry by professed atheist and evolutionary neuroscientist.
by Philip Bell
Soil microbiologist: Evolution no help in research
17 Dec 2012
Professor Skipper speaks about the divine design of microbes beneficial to plant nutrition and ecology.
by Don Batten
Genesis as ancient historical narrative
04 May 2018
The genre of Genesis based on its grammar and its usage in the rest of Scripture shows that it is historical narrative
by Lita Sanders
Responding to supposed refutations of genetic entropy from the ‘experts’
01 Dec 2020
Evolutionist scientists on Dr Swamidass’ blog try their hands at refuting Genetic Entropy!
by Paul Price, Robert Carter, John Sanford
Genetic code optimisation: Part 1
27 Dec 2013
Could the genetic code be optimized naturalistically?
by Royal Truman, Peer Terborg