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Copying confusion
Copying confusion Does duplication of existing DNA help evolution? by Alexander Williams
by Alexander Williams
27 Jun 2013
A scandal of our contemporary culture that has been perpetuated for generations but about which most people are oblivious or continue to turn a blind eye.
by Peter Crook
The frantic search for extraterrestrial life
16 Oct 2018
What are the chances for extraterrestrial life? Could life evolve from non-living chemicals? Are there any suitable planets apart from ours?
by Henry Richter
11 Jun 2019
How tilapia skins help to heal burn victims
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
The road to Indonesia
08 Jul 2010
For the first time ever, CMI sends a speaker to the world’s most populous Muslim country—for a 2-month ministry tour
by Carl Wieland
It’s all bluff
04 Dec 2018
It’s controversial to question the scientific basis of big bang, origin of life and evolution, but scientists acknowledge that these so-called facts are propped up by imaginative stories.
by Dominic Statham
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 2 Issue 1
Answering a most-asked question
10 May 2022
Does distant starlight conflict with the Bible's account of recent 6-day creation?
by Don Batten
Developmental genetics supports creation theory
22 Sep 2017
Evolutionists try to define homology by how it is explained, not by how it is observed.
by Walter ReMine
Richard Dawkins claims to be a cultural Christian
11 Apr 2024
Media reports have recently highlighted Richard Dawkins’ comments that he considers himself to be a cultural Christian. What does that mean, and is it even possible?
by Andrew Sibley
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith
22 Nov 2019
Bestselling British journalist, a gay atheist, confirms the toxicity of Darwinism to the Christian faith.
by John Woodmorappe
‘Surprising’ lizards in amber
30 Oct 2017
Thirty-eight fossil lizards reckoned to be 20 million years old—so well-preserved you can see whether their eyes are open or shut.
by David Catchpoole