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Was there enough time for thick permafrost to form?
03 Mar 2018
Is there enough time for permafrost to form in the biblical timeframe?
by Ron Neller
A conversation arising
26 Apr 2012
The visiting CMI–USA (formerly CMI-Au) speaker did not mention radiometric ‘dating’ in his presentation to an Aussie church. So guess what two members of the congregation discussed afterwards …
by David Catchpoole
Darwinist hype and the culture war
10 Aug 2009
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Orang-outang or Homo sylvestris: ape-men before Darwin
14 Aug 2020
Did people believe in apemen before Darwin?
by Andrew Sibley
Developmental system plasticity—a brief initial assessment of extent, design, and purpose within the creation model
07 Apr 2017
Were creatures designed with genomic plasticity to enable them to adapt as they reproduced and filled the earth?
by Jean K. Lightner
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
15 May 2019
Rapidly carved by channelized Flood runoff
by Michael Oard
The road to understanding
25 Oct 2016
How hearing a creation message helped inspire a young man and transform his theology.
by Unknown
Foliage in fast forward
12 Jun 2017
Critics say mature plants during creation week are a problem for biblical creationists.
by Keaton Halley
Creation or endless cycle of re-creation?
07 Jul 2018
Why the Bible gives us a linear view of history from creation to consummation in Christ.
by Shaun Doyle
Are cosmic rays affecting high-latitude winter cyclones?
15 Apr 2016
Meteorological models, ‘climate change’, and high-latitude cyclones.
by Jake Hebert
Goats can read human faces!
20 Sep 2018
A new study shows that goats can differentiate between human facial expressions—an evolutionary conundrum.
by Paul Price
Literal days before the sun
21 Dec 2020
Critics of biblical creation often use ‘days before the sun’ to try to prove that the creation days were not ~24 hours.
by Jonathan Sarfati