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Evolution revolution
07 Aug 2019
Stick insect research upsets one of evolutionists’ long-held beliefs
by Philip Bell
Your ingenious immune system
31 May 2021
Cleverly configured to devour, deactivate, and destroy
by Philip Bell
The geologic setting of the Green River Formation
by John H. Whitmore
Empirical data support seafloor spreading and catastrophic plate tectonics
21 Feb 2020
What are the six types of data and how do they support rapid plate movement during the Flood?
by Timothy L. Clarey
Too many dinosaur names
15 Jan 2009
The number of dinosaur species names has been halved—from more than 1,000 down to 500 or so. Did Noah need to take these hundreds of dinos aboard the Ark?
by David Catchpoole
It’s time to stop the FALLOUT!
14 Oct 2021
If there was something the church could do to keep its young people, wouldn’t you want to know what that was?
by Gary Bates
Consciousness: a problem for naturalism
17 Nov 2017
Evolution does not explain human language or consciousness, which is a serious problem for naturalism and atheism.
by Daniel Tate
Extrasolar planets with organic materials
09 Oct 2009
Are they incubators of life or just similar to the dead planets in our solar system?
by Wayne Spencer
Atheism, evolutionism and families
17 Jan 2013
Are atheists really gentle homebodies in the ‘quiet middle’? Or are they actually rabid provocateurs at the noisy extreme?
by Douglas Oliver, Stuart Burgess
The Bible is infallible, but!
24 Sep 2014
Defining the principles by which we interpret the Bible is crucial for all Christians because it will influence how we understand origins.
by John Rendle-Short
Antibiotic resistance: Evolution in action?
27 Mar 2019
Why are man-made pills increasingly ineffective in the battle against infections?
by Don Batten
Newton’s book: A scientific masterpiece
06 May 2015
More than three centuries after it was published, Sir Isaac Newton’s book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica stands out as a masterpiece.
by Unknown