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Origin of oxygen more complex than imagined
09 Jan 2009
Contradictory observations mean more trouble for naturalistic theories but the problems disappear within a biblical perspective.
by Barry Tapp
No keeper’s brother
06 Dec 2013
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the now-released December issue of Journal of Creation. Subscribers will be delighted by the powerful, stimulating content.
by Shaun Doyle
Not even a NASA VIP could help me
26 Jun 2018
David Coppedge tells how he became friends with Dr Henry Richter of NASA and cooperated on Spacecraft Earth.
by David Coppedge
Using Bible history to interpret the rocks and landscapes
18 Jan 2018
A powerful way to change your view of the world.
by Tas Walker
Aligning tool used in the assembly of actin filaments
28 Jan 2011
Another amazing example of nano-scale design
by Giovanie Adams
Reformation Wall Vandalized Yet Again
27 Aug 2019
Reformation wall defaced. Whodunnit and why? Widespread acceptance of homosexuality today signals spiritual situation of our modern culture.
by Matthew Cserhati, Joel Tay
Tardigrades too tough for evolution
13 May 2019
Sometimes scientists are so enthralled by the wonders of the nitty-gritty, they forget what’s really at issue.
by David Catchpoole
Watch a glasswing passing (without flying colours)
07 Apr 2021
Both evolutionists and creationists are claiming the Glasswing Butterfly as their own. Who’s right?
by David Catchpoole
Physicist’s ‘breakthrough’ on the origin of life: can thermodynamics of heat dissipation explain chemical evolution?
17 Jan 2015
Some evolutionists are hailing this as a ‘breakthrough’ in explaining life originating from chemicals by itself, but the reality is quite different.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland
Is baptism necessary for salvation? Is death such a bad thing?
14 Feb 2009
A writer took issue with a recent feedback pointing out a logical fallacy in an argument for baptismal regeneration. Another reader asks if death is really a bad thing.
by Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland
Dinosaurs in Noah’s vineyard
19 Sep 2016
In a region north of the mountains of Ararat where secular scholars believe vineyards were first planted, there is a church with carved images of dinosaurs.
by David Lewis
Abandon YEC and reconcile the Bible to evolution?
05 Oct 2014
Make peace with Evolution? And what did leading medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas believe about creation days and Adam and Eve?
by Jonathan Sarfati