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The greatest hoax
08 May 2014
Jonathan Sarfati PhD exposes some major contradictions in evolutionary thinking.
by Peter Hastie
Olympic Gold-winning bike design
05 Sep 2016
The key role played by a biblical creationist in optimizing bike components for a team of world-beating track cyclists.
by Philip Bell
Surprise, surprise—box jellyfish eyes
08 Feb 2014
The lowly, ‘basal’ box jellyfish has astonished scientists with its capacity to see things above the water.
by David Catchpoole
Law and Creation
31 May 2010
It was only with the advent of Christianity that it became common for people to believe that laws should always protect basic human rights and freedoms.
by Jonathan Sarfat
Parrot fashion
09 May 2011
Upon seeing parrots’ spectacularly vivid colouring for the first time, some people think the colours must have been painted on.
by David Catchpoole
Young Saturn
29 Oct 2012
Cassini space probe destroys billion-year beliefs
by David Coppedge
Vintage Journal: A galactocentric cosmology
30 Dec 2011
What would we expect the universe to look like if we were near the centre?
by John Hartnett
Dancing bees
by Robert Doolan
What was the Star of Bethlehem?
by Dr Don DeYoung
An ancient textile factory?
01 Oct 2009
When a so-called ‘Stone Age’ site gives evidence of sophisticated textile processing, the idea that these were grunting cavemen takes a hit.
by Robert W. Carter
Bioethicists obsessed with killing babies—why?
09 Oct 2018
Explaining a worrying trend in bioethics.
by Lita Sanders
Do monkeys play football?
09 Sep 2009
Football’s governing bodies are trying to stop racist taunts from spectators. But do they understand the problem?
by David Catchpoole