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Creation: a form of white supremacy?
15 Jul 2021
Scientific American accuses creationists of white supremacy, glossing over evolution’s own disgusting racist past.
by Shaun Doyle
Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what’s it about?
09 Apr 2009
To some, design is a ‘no-brainer’. To others, it’s the thin edge of the wedge. How should we view it?
by Carl Wieland
Jonathan O’Brien, B.Creative Arts, B.App.Sc.
Jonathan O’Brien
by Sylvia Smartt
Autumn leaves don’t Fall (by accident)
09 Nov 2013
A ‘cascade’ of carefully coordinated chemical processes lies behind Autumn’s glorious leafy cascade.
by David Catchpoole
Refuting Evolution Student Worksheet
Refuting Evolution Student Worksheet
The paradoxical urinary concentrating mechanism
09 Sep 2011
An excellent example of ‘irreducible complexity’
by Charles Soper
Quasars again defy a big bang explanation
04 Nov 2011
Defying big bang explanations yet again!
by John Hartnett
Dwelling with God: From Eden to the New Jerusalem
22 Oct 2015
Throughout history, God has had special places where He has dwelt with His people.
by Lita Sanders
Refuting Richard Dawkins on evolution
17 May 2023
A powerful book (by the author of the world’s topselling creationist book, Refuting Evolution) picks up the gauntlet thrown down by the world’s most prominent anti-Christian.
by Carl Wieland
The genetic history of the Israelite nation
23 Aug 2019
What can genetics tell us about the history of the Jews?
by Robert Carter
Does the soul violate physics?
26 Dec 2015
How can our souls influence the physical realm without violating the conservation of energy?
by Keaton Halley
Marvin L. Lubenow, M.S., Th.M.
Marvin Lubenow
by anon