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Does the Bible promote injustice?
10 Mar 2012
Slavery, morality, and the positive effect of the Bible on society.
by Lita Cosner, Don batten
Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days
13 Jun 2023
Prof. Cox’s alternatives for the end of the universe are maximum disorder or maximum blowup. The future according to the Bible involves re-creation of the Earth, and universal Judgment by God.
by Russell Grigg
Shape-shifting dinosaurs
24 Aug 2015
Are some dino ‘evolutionary series’ actually just different growth stages of the same type of dinosaur?
by Jillene Bailey
String theory “philosophy” challenged
13 Jun 2009
Are scientists truly objective? Is string theory religiously neutral and just an explanation of why our universe is the way it is?
by Gary Bates
Enceladus: Saturn’s sprightly moon looks young
18 Oct 2010
Enceladus is hot and active instead of cold and dead
by Tas Walker
The lingering death of junk DNA
28 Nov 2011
The idea that huge stretches of human DNA are useless junk left over from evolution is itself having to be progressively junked.
by Don Batten
The Hobbit: Precious fossil or poisoned chalice?
22 Jun 2006
The puzzling Homo floresiensis.
by By Peter Line
A revealing look at the world’s religious belief systems
29 Apr 2011
A review of Discovering God by Rodney Stark
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Racial reconciliation: The Gospel is the answer
14 Jul 2016
With senseless shootings leaving America feeling more divided than ever, how can Christians respond?
by Scott Gillis, Lita Cosner
Y-chromosome Adam and the Cambrian explosion
22 Jan 2011
Does what we know about the Y chromosome fit with biblical history? And could there be a connection between sea floor life and the Cambrian explosion?
by Rob Carter
Spore: new game allows players to ‘evolve’ creatures; should creationists be concerned?
21 Oct 2008
The new computer game Spore purports to illustrate evolution. Yet it does nothing of the kind, although evolutionists hope that it will convince schoolkids.
by Lita Sanders
17 Oct 2018
The incredible geological features that defy explanation within a secular interpretation.
by Michael Oard