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The fact of natural selection
04 Jan 2024
Refuting creationist Randy Guliuzza’s criticisms of natural selection, which is actually an important part of the creation model.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand Canyon
24 Jul 2006
The discordant ‘dates’ for Grand Canyon rocks point to an episode of accelerated radioactive decay some time in the past.
by Andrew A. Snelling
Geologists see effects of Noah’s Flood in Africa
04 Sep 2012
But their beliefs prevent them recognizing it.
by Tas Walker
Creation in-depth: Fossils and the post-Flood boundary
29 Nov 2013
What does the stratigraphy of fossils suggest about the placement of the Flood/post-Flood boundary in the rocks?
by Marcus R Ross
World Winding Down
17 Oct 2013
A further tool for building up believers.
by Jillene Bailey
Butterflies fly on designer wings
02 Jun 2014
The wings and the ‘aviation programming’ of the humble butterfly are far more sophisticated than anything man has made.
by Patrick Clarke
The Christian Nazi myth refuted
12 Aug 2011
A review of: The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity by Bruce Walker
by Lita Sanders
The miracle of tears
04 May 2016
Humans alone cry tears which are vital to our emotional health.
by Jerry Bergman
Inflation—all in the ‘Dark’
31 Jul 2014
The latest conclusion from big bang cosmologists is that our universe doesn’t exist!
by John Hartnett
David the Young Earth Creationist
17 Mar 2016
Genesis isn’t poetry, but Psalms’ poetic retellings of the creation account have much to teach the church today.
by Lita Sanders
Neandertal paintings ‘bombshell’
26 May 2014
Neandertals weren’t artistic—and yet they were.
by David Catchpoole
A magmatic model for the origin of large salt formations
31 May 2013
Rock salt formations are often thought to be formed from evaporated seawater.
by Stef Heerema