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The universe’s birth certificate
09 Feb 2009
The Bible’s ‘birth certificate’ for the universe trumps concepts of ‘deep time’.
by Alexander Williams
Carl Sagan and Contact: Defiance of God and promotion of ET
19 Aug 2010
We answer Carl Sagan's militant attacks on God, the Bible and Christianity in his novel and film Contact.
by Russell Grigg
Incredible Kinesin!
26 Jun 2012
Science reveals an unimaginable level of technology and design in living things supposed to have evolved by chance billions of years ago!
by Calvin Smith
A four-legged fossil snake
02 Dec 2021
Fossil experts are delighted, but somewhat bemused, by the discovery of a beautifully preserved snake, complete with four tiny, but definitely functional, legs—opinion is divided!
by Philip Bell
The Ararat anomaly
Claims about where Noah's Ark might be found need to be carefully assessed.
by Andrew Lamb
Proving Jesus’ resurrection without the Bible?
28 Jul 2018
Do we need the Bible to argue for Jesus’ resurrection?
by Shaun Doyle
Celebrating gender confusion
17 Jan 2017
How should Christians react when the media glorifies what Scripture condemns?
by Lita Sanders
Where are we in the universe?
09 Dec 2011
Are we anywhere near the centre?
by John Hartnett
Did Joseph of Arimathea move the body?
29 Mar 2013
Responding to another ‘bodysnatcher’ theory of the empty tomb.
by Lita Sanders
Creation or evolution: choose wisely!
01 May 2009
The creation-evolution debate is not a storm in a tea-cup.
by David Anderson
Why don’t we live as long as Methuselah?
02 Oct 2019
Modern science is catching up with what the Bible tells us about people living for hundreds of years.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Ardipithecus again
04 Oct 2009
The papers are full of “Ardipithecus” or “Ardi”—many would not realize it’s just a lot more detail on the same creature we wrote about in 2001.
by Carl Wieland