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Page 378 of 486 (5824 Articles)
Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
18 Dec 2020
Debunks many science-related historical myths that demean the Christian faith
by John Woodmorappe
Racism: biblical creation is the only solution
04 Jan 2022
Racism is evil: Bible is solution; evolution exacerbated problem. All people come from “the first man Adam”, and can be saved by their relative Jesus Christ, the Kinsman-Redeemer and “last Adam”.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Biblical creation gives us the answer to modern insanity
15 Sep 2020
How does a biblical worldview help us to respond to climate change and LGBT arguments?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Russell Grigg a fulfilling life
14 Nov 2018
Entering his 10th decade, Russell Grigg continues to run with endurance the race set before him.
by Creation magazine
Plants are ‘listening’!
09 Mar 2020
Researchers discover pea seedling roots grow towards the sound of gurgling water.
by David Catchpoole
Focus: creation news and views
Focus Creation news and views 31(3).
by Various
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
More of the moth myth!
02 Jun 2020
The peppered moth myth takes on a new dimension. But genetic evidence shows no novel information caused the change between light and dark moths.
by Matthew Cserhati
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 6 Issue 2
New Testament reliability questions
19 Oct 2019
Were Paul’s letters coauthored? And are the resurrection accounts really plausible?
by Lita Sanders
Great response at the 2016 Creation SuperCamp
26 Jan 2016
Great response at Stanwell Tops with 800 attending Australian creation camping adventure
by Ron Neller
CMI’s CEOs meet in Thailand
11 Feb 2016
An important time of brainstorming for the CEOs of the international CMI offices!
by Gary Bates