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A vase of flowers—by special arrangement!
20 Dec 2010
Flower folly: A vase of flowers shows the foolishness of believing nature-is-all-there-is.
by Don Batten
Stone Mountain, Georgia (USA)
04 Nov 2020
How a catastrophic event helped form an astonishing feature in Georgia’s landscape.
by Tas Walker
Common errors made by deniers of a young Earth
27 Aug 2012
Appealing to the text and history against the plain evidence
by Andrew Kulikovsky
DNA research says Australian Aborigines arrived 50,000 years ago
22 Apr 2017
But how reliable are the ‘molecular clocks’?
by Tas Walker
Life’s irreducible structure—Part 2: naturalistic objections
15 Jan 2016
<div>Naturalistic objections to the design argument from autopoiesis fail by begging the question. </div>
by Alex Williams
Could Adam have appealed the verdict?
11 Apr 2012
How does Adam’s conviction and sentence by God for the sin of ‘rebellion’ compare with today’s legal procedures?
by R. Grigg
Does the New Testament claim to be God’s Word?
11 Feb 2023
A critic asserts that no passage in the New Testament purports to be inspired by God. Is that true?
by Keaton Halley
Footprint fiasco
20 May 2021
If radiometric dating is objective science then why do researchers disagree so widely over the results?
by Tas Walker and David Catchpoole
The inhuman nature of secular humanism
24 Jun 2021
Historically, humanism had noble roots in Christian academia, but post-Reformation, through Unitarian influence, humanism’s biblical foundations were eroded and replaced by secular thinking based on evolution.
by Gavin Cox, Andrew Sibley
It’s all talk,Tiktaalik can’t walk
30 Jan 2014
A fishy story that has no legs.
by Warren Nunn
‘Useful idiot’—who, me?
23 Jun 2011
One correspondent took umbrage at the term ‘useful idiot’ to describe theistic evolutionists in a CMI article. Is the adage, ‘If the shoe fits, wear it’ justified?
by P Bell and J Sarfati
Fascinating cuttlefish
29 Jan 2014
With green blood, three hearts, and able to change colour in a flash, the cuttlefish sounds like a ‘weird aliens’ movie creature.
by Paula Weston