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Fake spider fossil passes peer review!
23 Apr 2020
A fossil spider fooled experts and was published in a scientific journal. Since fossils are often used as weapons in the war of worldviews, what cautionary lessons can be learned?
by Phil Robinson
In-depth: Scientific orthodoxy, theological innovation
03 Jan 2014
A review of The Cambridge Companion to Science and Religion by Peter Harrison (Ed.)
by Daniel Davidson
‘Prehistoric’ Preachers: Dinosaurs as “the gateway drug to atheism”
12 Jan 2017
Dinosaurs are relentlessly used by a mendacious media to promote evolution (even atheism)—in fact, they’re ‘Exhibit A’ for the world’s true history recorded in Genesis.
by Thomas Fretwell
Homeschooling in Russia
Homeschooling in Russia
by Katya Melnikova
Charge the hill
29 Jan 2013
Vimy Ridge was a pivotal WW1 battle because of the strategic importance of controlling the high ground. Controlling earth’s history is the key to winning the battle of origins.
by Calvin Smith
Transplants, xenotransplants, xenotransfusion and xenoexperimentation—Are they ethical? Do they show we evolved from animals?
13 Dec 2008
Are blood transfusions and organ transplants ethical? What about animal-to-human? Animal organs are routinely transplanted into humans (xenotransplantation); researchers test on animals first, then humans. Is this ethical?
by Andrew Lamb and Jonathan Sarfati
Can pantheism explain morality? And, the fight-or-flight response and the Fall
13 May 2012
The Bible can explain both.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
The importance of correct history and theology
18 Aug 2011
History, science and philosophy without theology lead to atheism
by Shaun Doyle, Don Batten
Genesis: the roots of the Gospel
27 Jun 2024
Why does evolution undermine the Gospel?
by Ann Lamont
Campaign to silence BBC presenter Dan Walker for his creationist views
18 Feb 2016
Appointment of BBC News presenter condemned simply because he believes in creation.
by Andrew Sibley
Cosmic catastrophes
21 Nov 2011
Planets crashing together, moons being ripped apart, all sounds very dramatic, but is this true history, or just a fanciful story?
by Spike Psarris
Does creation really matter?
11 Feb 2010
Shoring up the foundations? Defending the Christian faith from Genesis? Morality and the Gospel depending on biblical history? Tired old truths, or vital imperatives for Christians who wish to be biblically and culturally relevant?
by Philp Bell