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Visual evidence for Noah’s Flood
18 Oct 2013
A review of Flood by Design by Mike Oard.
by Barry Tapp
The American badger
27 Oct 2014
Meet the fastest animal digger in the world. It can throw dirt 5 ft into the air, and has even been known to tunnel down through asphalt.
by Jacob Howard
Intelligent Ink?
20 Jan 2015
by Michael G Matthews
The inspiration of Scripture comes in various forms
10 Sep 2019
We believe the Bible is inspired, but what does that mean?
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Time fears the pyramids?
17 Feb 2021
How the Egyptian pyramids fit into the true biblical history
by Gavin Cox
The Nazareth Inscription: Proof of the Resurrection of Christ?
22 Nov 2012
Does an obscure Greek inscription give evidence for the Resurrection?
by Clyde E. Billington, Ph.D.
Fossil squid ink that still writes!
15 Sep 2009
The ‘Medusa effect’—animals with even soft tissue evidently preserved quickly in stone—puzzles paleontologists. Here’s the latest example—supposedly 150 million years old!
by Carl Wieland
Excellent eye
The human eye's response to light is better than that of any camera.
by David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati
Astronomical troubles for the astronomical hypothesis of ice ages
20 Mar 2009
Evolutionists explain the alleged plurality of ice ages with three Milankovitch cycles that change the earth’s orbital geometry around the sun. Yet the evidence is weak, and evolutionists actually assume what they claim to prove.
by Michael Oard
The sun is not an average star
15 Mar 2007
Solar evidence is mounting that our earth occupies a special place in the universe.
by Jonathan Henry
10 answers from biblical creationists: Part 1
21 Feb 2019
Clergyman and geologist Michael Roberts has thrown down the gauntlet to creationists with 10 provocative, and supposedly unanswerable questions about their ‘young Earth’ belief! (Part 1 of our answer).
by Gavin Cox, Lucien Tuinstra
Curse and catastrophe
08 Sep 2010
There have been three occasions when the whole of sinful humanity has been judged by God.
by Russell Grigg