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Roe v Wade in the ash heap of history!
27 Jun 2023
Why was the US Supreme Court's June 2022 ruling such a significant victory in the battle to protect innocent life? Read our in-depth explanation and analysis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The promises and pitfalls of correlating Y chromosome genetics to human history
05 Aug 2022
Sneak peak of a rigorous book review from the latest issue of Journal of Creation: How well can Y chromosome genetics be correlated to human history?
by Robert Carter
Was something created from nothing?
11 Oct 2022
Does Schwinger effect in graphene prove that something can come from nothing?
by Jonathan Sarfati
The peacock spider
06 Feb 2019
A tiny, amazing, colourful arachnid ‘struts’ around like the bird after which it is named.
by Michael Eggleton
Lizard skin inspires lubricant-free slipperiness
01 Jul 2019
Lubrication in a dusty environment can be a problem, so engineers have turned to the sandfish skink lizard for a solution.
by David Catchpoole
Land bridges after the Flood
07 Jan 2022
What place do land bridges have in the post-Flood dispersal of animals?
by Michael J. Oard
Are all fossil stromatolites biological?
01 Feb 2019
Why this is an important issue for Flood geology.
by Michael J. Oard
Study: Biology professors are biased against Evangelicals
22 Dec 2020
Why are Christians underrepresented in science, which was founded by Christians? New study shows that biology academics have overt bias against Evangelicals.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The weasel returns: Truman replies to Curtis
by Royal Truman
Latest Cassini findings confirm: Saturnian system is young!
12 Apr 2021
Latest Cassini findings confirm a timeline too short for secular models of the solar system.
by David Coppedge
Surprises in Surprise Canyon
06 Jul 2018
Did the Surprise Canyon Formation in Grand Canyon have to form slowly by normal river erosion?
by J.N. Caldwell
Christians, planning your next retreat? How about an advance instead?
04 Dec 2007
Calvin Smith makes a sobering assessment of Christianity in Western society today and issues a clear challenge to action.
by Calvin Smith