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Differences between Genesis 1 and 2? 
29 Oct 2016
Are Genesis 1 and 2 separate creation accounts? And does the Bible forbid eating rare steak?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Apologetic against atheism flawed by theistic evolutionary stance
09 Jul 2010
A review of The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller
by Lita Sanders
Can spirits manifest physically?
24 Apr 2018
A viewer of the Alien Intrusion movie asks: if this is a spiritual phenomenon, how can it leave physical traces?
by Gary Bates
Why I teach my kids evolution
03 Jun 2014
A guide to ‘immunizing’ your children—homeschooled or not—against humanism in science.
by Cheri Fields
The numbering pattern of Genesis
by Jonathan Sarfati
Pagan copycat thesis
15 Oct 2011
Jesus was not made up from pagan myths
by Lita Sanders
Evidences for a young earth and universe
28 May 2012
‘Billions of years’ is accepted without question but there is lots of evidence that the earth and universe are much, much younger.
by Don Batten
Alfred Russel Wallace—‘co-inventor’ of Darwinism
04 Dec 2013
It occurred to Alfred Russel Wallace during a fever fit in Ternate that fit animals survive better than the unfit; what could this possibly mean?
by By Russell Grigg
Are there apemen in your ancestry?
11 Jan 2012
Apemen? There are, in fact, no such creatures.
by Russell Grigg
Life at the extremes
27 Mar 2013
You can freeze them, boil them, dry them, starve them and even put them in a vacuum—yet they still bounce back
by David Catchpoole
The heavens declare a different story!
18 Dec 2015
The distribution of the galaxies appears anything but random and stands in stark contrast to the model promoted by big bang cosmologists.
by John G. Hartnett
Did God create life?
22 Jan 2007
Stanley Miller’s famous 1953 experiments are anything but evidence for evolution.
by By Thomas Heinze