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Did CMI use a bad argument against homosexuality?
05 May 2012
If homosexuality was found to have a biological basis, would that make it morally acceptable?
by Don Batten
‘That’s nice for you, but it’s not for me’
12 Mar 2024
Is there such a thing as absolute truth?
by Don Batten
Lost in translation
06 May 2010
Atheistic evolutionists are committed to a materialistic origin of life. As such, there should be no non-material quantity to the universe. But experimental science has shown this is false.
by Calvin Smith
Darwin vs. the eye
by Tom Wagner
The genetics of skin colour in people—something fishy?
27 Sep 2007
What can a fish gene tell us about human ‘races’ and the origin of ‘black’ and ‘white’ skin colour?
by Don Batten
Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinct
23 May 2024
We have had decades to verify the many claims that dinosaurs are still alive today, but to date none of those have panned out.
by Robert W. Carter, Gary Bates, Jonathan Sarfati
Great creation scientists: James Clerk Maxwell
27 Apr 2016
Mathematical genius James Clerk Maxwell applied Bible knowledge in his scientific investigations.
by Ann Lamont
Creation in-depth: Are chimps 98% similar to humans?
28 Jun 2013
A reassessment of the literature.
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Jerry Bergman
Australia’s ‘season of disasters’
09 Feb 2011
A nation stands in shock at it?s worst-ever natural disaster
by Gary Bates
Why CMI rejects ‘conspiracy’ theorizing
13 Apr 2017
What should we think about the conspiracy theorizing out there? How do we approach the world in knowledge and faith and discernment all at the same time? Our contention is that we can be faithful to the Bible and science without sacrificing either.
by Robert Carter, Jonathan Sarfati
False History—‘out with David and Solomon!’
by David Down
Mud experiments overturn long-held geological beliefs
05 Aug 2021
A call for a radical reappraisal of all previous interpretations of mudstone deposits
by Tas Walker