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New book offers comprehensive critique of theistic evolution
17 Jul 2020
A comprehensive critique of theistic evolution.
by Lita Sanders
Missing links in gene knowledge
by Don Batten
Butterfly tactics and the spiritual battle
14 Jan 2016
What can we learn from the tactics of famous boxers?
by Carl Wieland
A look at some figures
01 Aug 2012
The very first article in Creation magazine showed the impossibility of a naturalistic origin of life. Nothing has changed since then.
by Carl Wieland
Does CMI misunderstand how science works?
24 Apr 2010
A correspondent claims that our article on fish-to-tetrapod evolution is bad science.
by Lita Sanders
Human/chimp DNA similarity continues to decrease: counting indels
by J. Warren Nelson
Over-kill, over-chill, or over-ill?
29 Mar 2021
Why a mass extinction at the end of the Ice Age?
by Mike Oard
Taking the bite out of evolution—critical review of Evolution’s Bite
10 May 2019
Taking the bite out of evolution.
by Jean O’Micks
How were giant coastal sand dunes formed?
06 Sep 2018
Massive coastal sand dunes were most likely formed both before the post Flood Ice Age, and immediately after the post Flood Ice Age.
by Ron Neller
You know too much!
04 Apr 2007
Even those who do not have the Bible have no excuse; the evidence shouts that there is a Creator. There is no excuse.
by Bill Deutsch
‘Snake-head’ moth
Did Christians oppose James Simpson on childbirth pain relief?
26 Mar 2020
James Simpson did justify childbirth anesthesia using Scripture, but there was almost no opposition from the Church.
by Jonathan Sarfati