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A very revealing Questionnaire
30 Oct 2013
Here are nine simple questions to ask your future possible pastor, youth group leader or Bible College principal to find out their view of Genesis.
by CMI staff
We’re all ‘born that way’
21 Mar 2013
A Christian discussion of homosexuality points to the Gospel.
by Lita Sanders
Whose god? The theological response to the god-of-the-gaps
15 May 2009
This charge is a favourite of compromising churchians against creationists. Yet it really works only against a deistic worldview, not against the biblical Christian one.
by Lael Weinberger
UFOs are not extraterrestrial!
05 Jul 2016
Honest secular researchers are finding anomalies with the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrial in nature—mirroring the work of pioneer CMI researcher Gary Bates.
by Gary Bates
Moving forward
08 Jul 2019
There are many strong arguments for Creation, but some are not so strong, and others are totally unsound. It’s important to know the difference. This is why it’s important to keep up with current creationist literature. There is so much good evidence for Creation that there is no need to use any of the ‘doubtful’ arguments.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why the epidemic of fraud exists in science today
19 Jul 2013
Why the epidemic of fraud exists in science today
by Jerry Bergman
Inside the mind of a killer
16 Sep 2009
The Finnish high school tragedy once again shows that ideas have consequences.
by David Catchpoole
Did Charles Darwin become a Christian before he died?
15 Dec 2012
The evidence both for and against the suggestion that Darwin converted to Christianity before he died is presented and evaluated.
by Russell Grigg
Scientific laws of information: part 1
05 Nov 2010
Why materialistic evolution can’t explain the origin of information in biology.
by Werner Gitt
Where did all the water go?
22 Dec 2008
Ever wondered about Noah’s Flood and where all the water went to? The answer is really very simple.
by Tas Walker
Noah did not take fish on the Ark!
23 Jul 2016
And other misconceptions about Noah’s cargo.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Year the Water Dragon Roared
31 Jan 2012
The Chinese year that began in January 2012 gives a powerful opportunity to witness.
by Carl Wieland