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Atheist spat
24 May 2011
A strategy of subterfuge and stealth? Or to attack Christianity with all guns blazing? The ‘moderates’ and the ‘new atheists’ struggle to unite against their common creationist enemy!
by David Anderson
How does evolution hurt the church?
26 Oct 2014
Robert G. Ingersoll knew—and wasn’t shy in telling others, either.
by David Catchpoole
Grand undertaking
15 Apr 2011
A review of God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John C. Lennox
by Lael Weinberger
Archaeologist speaks out
Archaeologist speaks out (Clifford Wilson)
The Blue Whale
29 May 2019
Perhaps the largest creature God created, this denizen of the deep is awesome to behold.
by Jeffrey Dykes
A different way of thinking—Thomas Nagel considers the mind
28 Mar 2013
An evolutionary philosopher gets his peers thinking about why science has failed to explain how the mind works.
by Warren Nunn
Life in a test-tube
19 Apr 2017
Many think that Stanley Miller’s famous 1953 experiment showed that life could arise from non-living chemicals. But real chemistry shows that the chemicals Miller produced would react in the wrong way for life to form.
by Cheri Williams
Darwin’s ‘yard apes’
08 Jul 2009
A deadly hurricane exposes an even deadlier philosophy.
by Gary DeMar
18 May 2021
Some academics claim that mathematics could be racist, and that there is such a thing as ‘white math’.
by James R. Hughes
Unfair to Islam? Round 2
06 Dec 2008
More on the ‘peaceful Muslim majority’, Islamic history and current practices.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Irreducible complexity and cul-de-sacs
17 Dec 2016
A skeptical reader is challenged to conduct an experiment for God’s existence.
by Tas Walker
Creation and Redemption: A Conversation with Albert Mohler
14 May 2012
Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Seminary, explains why biblical creation is vital.
by Lael Weinberger