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Dawkins’ dilemma: how God forgives sin
22 Apr 2013
God cannot ‘just forgive’ our sins, as Dawkins suggests. If He did, sin would no longer be sin, and God would no longer be God!
by Russell Grigg
Genesis is history!
09 Sep 2023
The language of Genesis shows that it’s history, and that’s how the rest of the Bible treats it.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Furry little humans?
09 Nov 2022
Dedicated research shows that evolutionary ideas about the ‘people-like’ nature of apes and monkeys are largely fantasy.
by Carl Wieland
The scientific case against evolution
07 Jan 2017
How do evolutionists construct their scientific case for evolution? How can the creationist respond in scientific terms?
by Shaun Doyle
A Witness at the “ends of the earth”
16 Nov 2009
Polynesian preservation: Knowledge of the one true Creator God retained for millennia.
by Adrian Bates
Jesus’ family tree
25 Dec 2020
What can we learn by looking at Jesus’ ancestors?
by Lita Sanders
The debate over gender identity and bathrooms
24 May 2016
When the law of the land clashes with biblical truth, how should Christians respond?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
BioLogos, theistic evolution and the Pelagian heresy
22 Mar 2014
In the debate over an historical Adam BioLogos revives an old heresy that leads to the destruction of the Gospel.
by Richard Fangrad
Responses to our 15 Questions: part 2
14 Sep 2011
Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer. We’ve compiled many of the answers that we’ve received, along with our refutations.
by Lita Cosner, Dr Don Batten, Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Dr Rob Carter
Answering the ‘new atheists’
27 Apr 2009
Christian author Doug Wilson has met the challenge of the new apostles of godlessness ‘head-on’, teaching Christians how to refute their arguments with ease.
by Lael Weinberger
Correcting the headline: ‘Coelacanth’ yes; ‘Ancient’ no
13 Jul 2007
Instead of ignoring news reports with an evolutionary ‘spin’, we can ‘de-evolutionise’ them for powerful use in outreach.
by David Catchpoole
Did the Fall destroy God’s image in man?
18 Nov 2012
Do we have the image of God in our fallen state?
by Lita Sanders