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The fish with ‘four eyes’ (Anableps)
01 Dec 2010
The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.
by Russell Grigg
David Attenborough’s First Life: Arrival
25 Aug 2022
Attenborough tells the evolutionary story of how life started on Earth, but the fossils at the locations shown are problems for evolution rather than proof thereof.
by Russell Grigg
Unravelling the knotty khipu code
11 Mar 2015
Who would have ever thought of storing information on segments of threaded strands according to a certain code? The Incas did—and they weren’t the first.
by David Catchpoole
God and the extraterrestrials
by Werner Gitt
Dino ‘puberty blues’ for paleontologists
15 Jun 2010
Scientists now realize the dramatic physical changes that dino ‘teenagers’ go through.
by David Catchpoole
Are there gaps in the biblical genealogies?
14 Jul 2022
The Bible gives us many different types of genealogies. But how should we interpret them?
by Lita Sanders
How to Correct Spelling Mistakes
Homeschooling parents: How to Correct Spelling Mistakes
by Marie Rippel
The unique post-Flood Ice Age
02 Dec 2019
How the Bible’s short timescale unlocks the long-standing mystery for secular scientists of what causes an ice age
by Michael Oard
Richard Dawkins upset that public doesn’t like him
13 May 2014
Richard Dawkins contradicts himself during an interview promoting his new book.
by Warren Nunn
What! … no potatoes?
03 Mar 2010
Governments are recognising the need to preserve the ‘wild’ varieties of our food plants, with their rich stores of information. Plant scientist Dr Don Batten explains how this highlights the fallacy of evolution.
by Don Batten
Languages of the post-Diluvian World
15 Sep 2017
Despite the attempts of evolutionists to explain it, the complexity of the spoken word continues to be a puzzle.
by Murray R. Adamthwaite
Galaxies, Black Holes, and Creation
11 Jan 2023
Ph.D. astrophysicist and expert in black-hole–containing galaxies explains why he believes in biblical creation.
by Jonathan Sarfati