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Time: The Great Enabler
15 Feb 2018
Evolution relies on deep time which in turn relies on naturalism but science tells us the earth is young and so evolution is false.
by Robert Carter
An emotional response to the age of the earth
28 Mar 2009
Not everyone gets angry when asked about a ‘young’ earth
by CMI staff
The Case for Miracles presents evidence of the Creator’s activity in the world
21 Jun 2018
The latest installment in Strobel’s series examines whether or not God has acted miraculously in the world.
by Lita Sanders
God and the beginning of the universe
20 Mar 2021
Could God have entered into time?
by Shaun Doyle
What should Christians make of Falun Gong and Shen Yun?
14 Feb 2023
Falun Gong and Shen Yun are opposed to atheism and belief in evolution, and appear to preach a recent creation. But what are biblical creationists and Christians generally to think?
by Andrew Sibley
What would Noah have observed coming off the Ark?
04 Sep 2018
Have you ever thought about what sort of things would have been seen straight after the Flood? Could anything from the pre-Flood world have survived?
by Phil Robinson
Deuteronomy—the Creator’s covenant
12 Feb 2020
What can the covenant in Deuteronomy teach us about our God?
by Lita Sanders
Parker Solar Probe to contact the sun
14 Aug 2018
The first ever mission to fly a spacecraft directly into the sun’s corona is on the way.
by Russell Grigg
Did the Genesis 1 ‘days’ vary in length?
01 Aug 2020
Could the first three days of Creation Week have been longer than the last three?
by Shaun Doyle
Conclusive evidence that dust rings around some stars grow into planets?
11 Sep 2018
Astronomers claim they have found a protoplanet forming around a young star, but not so fast.
by Mary Beth De Repentigny
Dia Michels: the evolutionist who’d rather be a platypus
10 Nov 2016
A theory divided against itself: a ‘primitive’ creature is ‘superior’!
by David Catchpoole
A broken climate pacemaker?—part 2
19 Oct 2018
Can the uniformitarian Milankovitch climate forcing theory of climate change be saved with other data?
by Jake Hebert