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Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Beetles … nature's workaholics
20 Nov 2013
You can find beetles in almost any habitat occupied by other insects, munching on anything from snails to dung!
by Paula Weston
Dark Matter and the Standard Model of particle physics—a search in the ‘Dark’
28 Sep 2014
The Standard Model of particle physics is on a collision course with the Big Bang model.
by John Hartnett
Teenage mutant ninja people
14 Apr 2014
Why comic book fiction is not biological reality
by Gordon Howard
Not enough rocks: the sedimentary record and deep time
26 Oct 2018
According to modern sedimentation rates, are there enough sedimentary rocks to span the millions of years of ‘geologic time’?
by John K. Reed and Michael J. Oard
Evolutionist attacks CMI’s magazine
01 Jan 2011
CMI’s response to an evolutionist who accuses Creation magazine of being ‘purposefully inaccurate, both distorting the truth and telling outright lies.’
by Dominic Statham
Flood geology vs secular catastrophism
14 Apr 2013
Creationist earth scientist Shaun Doyle discusses some of the differences.
by Shaun Doyle
Gorge ‘looks thousands of years old’, but created in months
25 Feb 2019
Within months, a river was so drastically changed that many could not believe what they were seeing.
by David Whyte
Matthew Fontaine Maury
08 Oct 2014
Matthew Fontaine Maury, a scientist, creationist, and Christian mapped the earth’s currents and winds for the benefits of all.
by Effie Munday
Taking the Bible seriously?
06 Jul 2014
Is our authority God’s Word or secular uniformitarian ‘science’? Taking the Bible ‘seriously’ means taking it as God’s Word according to its original meaning.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Hummingbird hitch-hikers
10 Aug 2011
Hummingbird mites are tiny creatures that hitch-hike from flower to flower in the nostrils of their bird hosts, but where did they get the intelligence to do this?
by Russell Grigg
Green islands
23 Sep 2015
Fossil leaves show that leaf miners have existed along with leaves and questions the long ages attributed to these fossils.
by Joachim Scheven