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CMI’s views on the Intelligent Design Movement
by Carl Wieland
Manganese nodules and the age of the ocean floor
02 Mar 2012
Manganese nodules are supposed to be millions of years old, but what do actual growth rates show?
by Kenneth Patrick
Did God use a big bang?
09 Oct 2021
Is the big bang compatible with God’s creation described in Genesis?
by Gary Bates
A coat of many colours
The chameleon is well known for its ability to change colours. Not so well known are its telephoto eyes that can focus clearly on an object only an inch away. And its tongue shoots forward at tremendous g-forces, thanks to an intricate catapult design that is unparalleled in both nature and man-made machines.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Noah’s Flood covered the whole earth
If the Flood was local, why did Noah have to build an Ark?
by Unknown
The Ark Van ministry
08 Sep 2016
Travelling Australia and the world beyond talking about Noah and the Ark.
by N/A
Missing the link between Darwin and racism
12 Oct 2014
Despite the evidence, many evolutionists deny that racist attitudes reached new levels because of Darwin’s ideas.
by Warren Nunn
Nazis planned to exterminate Christianity
by Jonathan Sarfati
Inbreeding and the origin of races
12 Dec 2014
Does inbreeding in people groups explain so-called races?
by Robert Carter
Tetrapods from Poland trample the Tiktaalik school of evolution
14 Jan 2010
Another evolutionary icon consigned to the scrap heap.
by Tas Walker
Gender confused children
21 Jul 2013
There seems to be a rising incidence of boys who behave as girls and vice versa. What is going on?
by Don Batten
Gay marriage: right or wrong?
10 Oct 2013
Do you have answers in this critical area?
by dont want this