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Pacific salmon
20 Dec 2017
Pacific salmon are more accurate than guided missiles when it is time to spawn.
by Denis Dreves
Antony van Leeuwenhoek
17 May 2018
Leeuwenhoek believed the perfections he saw in his tiny ‘animalcules’ showed that they were created by God and not by spontaneous generation.
by Russell Grigg
The theological case against evolution
03 May 2012
Numerous theological problems are created by maintaining an evolutionary account of origins.
by Martin Dubois
Is Isaiah 7:14 exclusively a prophecy of Jesus birth?
20 Dec 2011
Is there a contemporary fulfillment of this passage?
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
Creation in-depth: Genesis confirmed in clay
27 Jun 2014
Despite secular claims that the Genesis account is a myth borrowed from various earlier sources, author Bill Cooper discovers the reverse is true.
by Dominic Statham
Culture clash
22 Jun 2016
When Europeans encountered Aboriginals on the Australian island of Tasmania, they assumed them to be not far removed from animal ancestors because of their ‘lack’ of technology.
by Carl Wieland
Is ‘mitochondrial Eve’ consistent with the biblical Eve?
05 Jan 2013
The creation model doesn’t need tweaking to fit with the evidence.
by Robert Carter
16 Jul 2014
These uniquely designed creatures continue to defy evolutionary explanation …
by Paula Weston
The ‘Indoctrinator’
Indoctrination at universities
by Warwick Armstrong and Jonathan Sarfati
Doubting doubts about the Squishosaur
02 Aug 2008
Were the reports of soft tissue in T. rex bones all wrong? Is it time to discard this powerful-seeming evidence? Not yet, it seems.
by Carl Wieland
What about those who have never heard the Gospel?
20 May 2017
When we think about those who have not yet heard the Gospel, our response should drive us to evangelism.
by Lita Sanders
A Matter of Faith—movie review
25 Sep 2014
A new movie attempts to create awareness of the problems facing Christian families when their children attend university
by Gary Bates