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Were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?
04 Aug 2016
Skeptics scoff, but these beasts were onboard with Noah and his family.
by Don Batten, David Catchpoole, Jonathan Sarfati, and Carl Wieland
Tree ring dating (dendrochronology)
by Don Batten, Ph.D.
Is the human male nipple vestigial?
23 Aug 2007
Evolutionists often argue that some organs are a throwback to our evolutionary past because they don’t seem to have a function. Is this true of the male nipple?
by Jerry Bergman
Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang
09 Dec 2023
The vast distances of space prove to be a huge problem for an evolutionary view of the universe.
by Jason Lisle
Five Atheist miracles
11 Nov 2021
Atheists actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for them.
by Don Batten
Radiocarbon in dino bones
16 Dec 2023
International conference result censored.
by Carl Wieland
Whale evolution?
Refuting Evolution Chapter 5
by Jonathan Sarfati
The return of the Nephilim?
06 Jun 2009
According to the Israelite spies returning from the Promised Land, fearsome ‘giants’ were there. But hadn’t the Nephilim of Noah’s day all been destroyed in the Flood?
by Gary Bates
Science, Creation and Evolutionism
08 Feb 2008
With much fanfare, the US National Academy of Sciences has published another anti-creationist book. Read the detailed refutation.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The biblical roots of modern science
29 Sep 2009
The Christian worldview began modern science. A straightforward understanding of Scripture advanced scientific methods still further. And belief in Adam’s Fall inspired scientists to try to reach his pre-Fall knowledge.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Fraud rediscovered
07 Oct 2009
Ernst Haeckel, one of the most effective popularizers of evolution, fudged some drawings. Now the breathtaking extent of his deceit has been revealed.
by Russell Grigg
Atheist with a Mission
24 Jun 2023
The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up?
by Philip Bell