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Why is Adam under pressure?
09 Dec 2014
The growing antagonism towards God in Western culture requires materialists to insist on a godless, naturalistic explanation for origins—hence they cling to evolution as the only alternative.
by Andrew Rowell
Hebrew professor affirms Genesis as real history
11 Mar 2019
Dr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains the importance of a historical Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Planets are young: 4 Saturn
04 Sep 2019
We present reasons why Jupiter is young, not billions of years old, as claimed in the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
How can we tell when the Bible condones what it records?
13 Jan 2018
The Bible contains records of people doing terrible things. How can we tell when the Bible gives us negative versus positive examples?
by Lita Sanders
Added details to Christ’s birth story?
26 Dec 2020
Where was Jesus actually born? And are nativity scenes in error?
by Lita Sanders
Can evolutionists use celebrities to brainwash the public?
10 Jan 2019
A team of evolutionist researchers suggests intentional brainwashing of students using celebrity endorsements of evolution.
by Paul Price
Cryptids and UFOs—Is there a link?
09 Aug 2008
Are cryptids and UFOs two birds of a kind? Should CMI regard both with equal skepticism?
by Andrew Lamb
Arthropods inspire strong, biodegradable material
01 Sep 2014
Hybrid of arthropod exoskeleton and silk is about as strong and tough as an aluminium alloy, but is only half as dense.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Silicon based bugs
09 May 2017
Smart work in the laboratory manipulating already existing life does not equal a step forward in goo-to-you evolution.
by John Hartnett and Robert Carter
The uniformitarian puzzle of mountaintop planation surfaces
06 Oct 2017
Uniformitarian scientists cannot explain how planation surfaces exist throughout the world, but the evidence clearly points to the biblical Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels
04 Apr 2016
A chat with the producers of a new groundbreaking documentary.
by Lita Sanders
A visit to a vitamin factory
21 Oct 2014
A thought-provoking allegory about a self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, bio-degradeable factory.
by Michael G Matthews