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Rusty cars and Christian institutions
03 Jan 2019
Biblical authority in Christian institutions tends to corrode away towards apostasy—what is the cure?
by Don Batten
How can you survive and thrive at college and university?
15 Jan 2008
Simple pointers to give you a strategy.
by Tas Walker
Sinners and saints regardless of race
10 Mar 2018
The best and worst of humanity can be found in people of all races.
by Shaun Doyle
The ostrich—a reminder of creation and the Fall
16 Nov 2020
A reminder of creation and the Fall
by Michael Eggleton
Speak to me as you often do : Finding and Developing Writing Voice
Speak to me as you often do: Finding and developing writing voice
by Susan Spann
Is a mutation of PCSK9 beneficial?
05 Nov 2016
Is a mutation that seemingly reduces risk of cardiovascular disease an example of evolution in action?
by Philip Bell
The ‘waters above’ in Genesis 1—a brief survey of competing interpretations
20 Apr 2023
A range of perspectives exist on how to understand the ‘waters above’. Here’s an introduction to various proposals.
by Keaton Halley
Discovering the dolphin’s secret
by Geoff Chapman
Darwinism and racism – are they linked?
27 Feb 2021
Is Darwinism foundational to racism? Was Darwin a racist himself? What about the biblical view?
by Shaun Doyle & Lucien Tuinstra
Blinded? Or “bewitched”?
26 Nov 2009
Evolutionary scientists claim biblical justification for their stance.
by Adrian Bates
Destructive parasites: expressions of God’s creation?
07 Aug 2020
Did God create destructive parasites?
by Warren Shipton
Reconciliation and reality
07 May 2011
Do the spiritual truths of the Gospel negate its reliance on history?
by Carl Wieland