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Reversible autopoiesis—a foundational design principle for life’s survival
16 Feb 2018
Because cells have the ability to adapt to certain stresses, such as a lack of food, they must have been functioning that way from the start.
by Alex Williams
Carol Cleland’s case for historical science—part 1: devaluing experimental science
23 Nov 2018
Is experimental science overrated?
by John K. Reed and Peter Klevberg
Ask the right question
23 Jan 2019
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics
by Tas Walker
Creation rescued me from drugs
30 Mar 2011
One man’s journey from the ‘nightmare’ of drug addiction
by Peter Davis
Is nature clearer than written language?
20 Oct 2012
Nature can’t speak for itself.
by Lita Sanders
Defending the Resurrection
04 May 2019
How would you answer these objections to the most central event to our faith?
by Lita Sanders
‘Bug Eye’ broadens field of view
07 Dec 2015
If you want to broaden your field of view, take a look from another perspective.
by David Catchpoole
Lesson 10
The Astronomy Book -- study guide: Lesson 10
by anon
Creation evangelism at Mars Hill
20 Feb 2019
What Paul’s address to the Greeks teaches today’s evangelists.
by Lita Sanders
Is Intelligence allowed?
23 Mar 2010
As Ben Stein’s Expelled documentary film premieres in London, academics once again debate Design.
by Dominic Statham
Irreducible complexity: some candid admissions by evolutionists
Some evolutionists acknowledge that it is a very serious problem for evolutionary theory
by John Woodmorappe
Let my people go
Biblical Christians were at the forefront of the abolition of slavery 200 years ago, while pro-slavers told them to keep their religion out of politics.
by Jonathan Sarfati