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Time, eternity, and the creation of the universe
30 Dec 2012
Can the universe be caused by something immaterial and eternal?
by Don Batten
Hibernation, Migration and the Ark
12 Dec 2007
A tiny marsupial that can hibernate for over a year—should we use this to help ‘explain’ the feasibility of a year-long journey by animals on the Ark?
by Carl Wieland
Slaying yesterday’s dragons
07 Jul 2014
Some evolutionists believe strict Darwinian evolution has ‘reached the end of its rope’; get ready for new versions already in the wings.
by Robert Carter
The Miller–Urey experiment revisited
15 Mar 2015
New claims about this ‘classic’ origin-of-life experiment, but it remains inadequate—and evidence shows the earth always had an oxidizing atmosphere.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Looking into the Glass House Mountains, Australia
21 Feb 2011
The spectacular landscape north of Brisbane, Australia, gives a dramatic insight into events connected with the biblical Flood.
by Tas Walker
The Fall: a ‘glorious necessity’?!
07 Jan 2008
Mormons teach that Adam did a good thing in sinning. Getting Genesis so wrong leads to other strange beliefs that bear little resemblance to Christianity.
by Maxwell Brown
The people that forgot time (and much else, too)
08 Jun 2009
A hunter-gatherer tribe thought to have “descended unchanged from the Stone Age” has recently been DNA-tested—with “astonishing” results.
by David Catchpoole
The impact of evolution on the missionary evangelization of China
21 Oct 2013
Few missionary endeavours have caught the imagination of the Christian church in the West, or suffered as many setbacks, as the evangelization of China.
by Russell Grigg
Noah’s long-distance travelers
02 Jul 2007
Well-rounded quartzite boulders, scattered over mountain tops, speak powerfully of the global Flood.
by John Hergenrather
Refutation of New Scientist’s Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions
05 Dec 2008
Third instalment of New Scientist refutation shows why mutation and natural selection can’t explain the complexity of life. Includes information on human genome, fossil record and ‘bad’ design.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Evidence of Noah’s Flood from Mexico
22 Feb 2008
Dinosaur dig reveals dramatic insights into the degree of devastation, not so long ago
by Tas Walker
Potatoes and ‘white chimpanzees’
15 Feb 2012
The ‘failure’ of natural selection resulted in the death of millions during the Irish potato famine.
by Russell Grigg