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Is BibleProject Biblical?
21 Mar 2023
While BibleProject has become increasingly popular recently, we believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences can have far-reaching implications.
by Chris Day
What is our motivation?
03 May 2014
What is our reason for engaging in apologetics? And why should we thank God?
by Lita Sanders
Being prepared—facing the tough questions
21 Oct 2012
Facing the tough questions.
by Carl Wieland
Exploring the ‘Evidence for Evolution’ … in 1970
06 Oct 2020
How has the alleged evidence for evolution changed in the past 50 years? How has it stayed the same?
by Paul Price
Charged-up spiders on the move
18 Sep 2017
Everyone knows that spiders spin webs but did you know they also use their silk to move through the air?
by Warren Nunn
Luther’s Legacy
10 Oct 2017
Luther’s convictions can be summarized in three great issues that form the basis of the Reformation, and hence of today’s Protestantism: Faith alone, Scripture alone, and the priesthood of all believers.
by Russell Grigg
Responding to William Lane Craig’s Attack on Biblical Inerrancy
16 Jan 2021
Do the Gospels contain contradictions concerning Peter’s three denials of Christ?
by Paul Price
Genesis as history: a discredited interpretation?
18 May 2019
An old, discredited interpretation?
by Shaun Doyle
Spot the difference
Thomas Heinze, B.Sc., Th.M.
Thomas Heinze, B.Sc., Th.M. biography
Only one way to visit an orchid
09 Apr 2014
From the landing stage, to the exit gate, it’s no accident that the travel corridor for a gnat visiting an orchid is strictly one-way.
by sylvia
Steve Jones and Hans Christian Andersen
10 Jan 2012
What do they have in common?
by Tas Walker