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What a fabulous event!
30 Jan 2013
Over 800 at CMI-Australia’s largest-ever SuperCamp/conference.
by Carl Wieland
It’s all about the teacher
01 Jan 2018
Creation evangelists Bob and Frances Relyea are committed to teaching the teachers to continue spreading the truth of creation.
by David Catchpoole and Warren Nunn
Uniformitarian dogma vs the Bible
02 Jun 2018
Answering a number of questions about science and the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
AI Almighty
14 Feb 2022
How evolution undergirds the belief that AI will one day take over.
by Ari Takku
Electric spider flight
15 Apr 2020
Spiders use electric fields in the atmosphere to help them get airborne
by Philip Bell
Creationism, evangelism and that bothersome debate?
02 Mar 2018
Despite saying he’s irritated by the creation debate, one author goes to great lengths to add to the discussion.
by John Matthews
ET-rex: dinosaurs on other planets?
12 Jun 2012
An absurd journal paper inadvertently points out some very real problems with evolution.
by Shane Cessna
Evolution: not needed
02 Sep 2017
Microbes-to-man evolution is often an unnecessary add-on to explanations in biology.
by Shaun Doyle
T. rex, cats, and attack-defence structures
12 Jun 2021
Answering a question about the purpose of attack-defence structures like claws, and about vegetarian diets pre-Fall.
by Gavin Cox
Should CMI ‘stick to the science’?
06 Jul 2019
Why CMI talks about theology as well as science.
by Lita Sanders
Dawkins and divine forgiveness
11 Mar 2010
Richard Dawkins mocks the Gospel, but this merely shows how little he understands of the true nature of sin, or of the infinite holiness of God.
by Russell Grigg
Christmas in the ‘Year of Darwin’
25 Dec 2009
If you were invited to present a ‘Christmas lecture’ to children, would you at least mention ‘the reason for the season’?
by CMI staff