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Page 67 of 486 (5824 Articles)
Coal, volcanism and Noah’s Flood
by Dr Andrew Snelling and John Mackay
The water cycle
13 Nov 2017
‘Modern’ science took thousands of years to confirm details about the earth’s water cycle that the Bible had already recorded.
by Ron Neller
Can Flood geology explain thick chalk beds?
Can Flood geology explain thick chalk beds?
by Andrew A. Snelling
Evidence for the design of life: part 1—Genetic redundancy
13 Nov 2009
This big surprise in modern biology brings down more than one pillar of contemporary evolutionary thinking.
by Peer Terborg
A meat-eating parrot!
10 Sep 2014
New Zealand’s kea is blamed for the deaths of thousands of sheep.
by Paula Weston
Planned Parenthood selling baby parts
28 Jul 2015
Why is there outrage that baby parts are being sold, but not as much that babies are being murdered in the first place?
by Lita Cosner and Jonathan Sarfati
Constellations: legacy of the dispersion from Babel
09 Apr 2010
Containing memories of ancient historical events but not a kind of primeval revelation
by Jonathan F. Henry
Theologian: Genesis means what it says!
29 Aug 2011
A seminary head of Old Testament explains that Genesis unambiguously teaches recent creation in six normal-length days, and why it’s so important.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Richard Dawkins: Dolphins worth more than babies with Down Syndrome?
24 Aug 2014
Dawkins’s latest Twitter rant insults the dignity of people with Down Syndrome.
by Lita Sanders
America’s evolutionists: Hitler’s inspiration?
30 Sep 2009
Did American Darwinist eugenicists inspire Hitler?
by Jonathan Sarfati
30 Aug 2007
Recent discoveries of how the non-protein coding DNA controls the protein-coding part and how cells replicate give evolutionists a seemingly incurable headache.
by Alex Williams
Atheists credit the Gospel
13 Apr 2010
Two high-profile atheists concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity’s teaching about man’s place in the Universe
by David Catchpoole