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Whale sharks
11 Apr 2022
Whale sharks are amazingly designed, and have 'teeth' on their eyes instead of eyelids for protection.
by Gavin Cox
Simple, pastoral book encourages Christians to believe Genesis
31 Oct 2019
This excellent resource introduces Christians to how to interpret the Genesis creation account.
by Lita Sanders
Tooth enamel: hard, and hard to replace
06 Dec 2021
It’s the hardest substance in the human body. But be warned: If you’re slack with your dental hygiene, fixing your tooth enamel ain’t easy.
by David Catchpoole
Biblical creation has the answers
03 Aug 2020
Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Polka-dotted zebra
19 Apr 2021
A new species in the making?
by David Catchpoole
Pop-culture Evolutionism
18 Mar 2021
How do we stop the cycle of misinformation?
by Paul Price
Is teaching creation the solution to violent crime?
26 Sep 2009
Evil has been around in the world a long time. But today, evolutionary teaching gives evil-doers the justification they previously lacked.
by David Catchpoole
Answering questions from young people
21 Apr 2020
When young people have questions, how we answer can make all the difference.
by Lita Sanders
Impact of gravitational wave detection: A response to Setterfield’s response
John Hartnett responds to criticism about his article which dealt with the detection of gravitational waves.
by John G. Hartnett
In an ocean of lies, the truth is our anchor
31 Mar 2022
When lies and fake news are abundant, it becomes hard to discern the truth. The Bible is the book that not only points to the truth, but is the truth.
by Lucien Tuinstra
The hope of the resurrection
12 Apr 2020
This Easter as most of us are prevented from celebrating the Resurrection with our churches, we can still rejoice in the hope that Christ gives us!
by Lita Sanders
Scientism and secularism … and Scripture?
09 Jul 2021
Scientism is bunk. But how do we integrate Scripture and science?
by Shaun Doyle