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Calendars more than just days and months
26 Jun 2014
Not all calendars are the same and some are arguably flawed. So why has most of the world settled on the Roman calendar?
by David Malcolm
The Issue of Issues
25 Feb 2010
Christianity’s enemies have long recognized that this is the key issue at which all battle lines converge. (And no, it’s not creation/evolution.)
by Carl Wieland
Evolution—It’s child’s play!
22 Nov 2011
Theistic evolutionists say Genesis was how God communicated to people with limited understanding because evolution was too sophisticated for them. Why then are atheists able to teach children evolution easily?
by Calvin Smith
Zippy fossil finds
02 Sep 2020
Exciting rock formations show that fossils form naturally much faster than we are conditioned to believe.
by Tas Walker
Seabed circles ‘Whodunnit?’ solved
24 Apr 2019
by David Catchpoole
Beneficial mutations: real or imaginary?—part 2
08 Apr 2016
Beneficial mutations are real but they produce nothing new, only triggering into action the built-in modes of variation.
by Alex Williams
The ‘little bears’ that evolutionary theory can’t bear!
26 Aug 2015
Microscopic ‘water bears’ are a puzzle for evolutionists.
by Joachim Vetter
David Attenborough’s Dawn of the Mammals
02 Mar 2014
David Attenborough’s old tricks—explained and refuted.
by Russell Grigg
The Samurai Crab
18 Feb 2019
The idea that the samurai face on the Heike crab was designed by natural selection isn’t true.
by Calvin Smith
What are type 1a supernovae telling us?
14 Dec 2012
Perhaps the oft-revered Cosmological Principle is wrong, and they support creationist cosmologies.
by Mary Beth de Repentigny
World War 1 centenary
14 Sep 2014
New video clip about the evolutionary origins of World War 1, which were the precursors of WW2 and the Nazi Holocaust.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Patterns of change over time: organophosphorus resistance in the sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina
19 Jun 2009
Most pesticide resistance is due to natural selection on pre-existing genes, not evolution. But some resistance arises from designed mechanisms that allow for adaptation in created life.
by Jean Lightner