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No sale for Darwin
13 Dec 2006
Even other evolutionists seem to be embarrassed at a book that 'oversells' the alleged practical value of evolution to the public.
by Shaun Doyle
‘Mainstream science’, theology, and Genesis
16 Jul 2011
The folly of theologians favouring the ‘science of the day’ over biblical foundations.
by Carl Wieland
The mental furniture of ‘deep time’
12 Feb 2012
Throwing out the really old furniture.
by Don Batten
Marriage and identity crisis
15 Nov 2018
Who am I? Increasingly, redefining marriage and gender are held up as a human rights. Some are also pushing to redefine their age, race and even species.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Helium-3 capture in lunar regolith and the age of the moon
22 Aug 2014
Is there too much helium in moon rocks for a young solar system?
by Andrew Sibley
The historical Adam and what he means for us
14 Sep 2018
A review of: What Happened in the Garden, Abner Chou (Ed.)
by Shaun Doyle
The Tasmanian Devil
26 Sep 2016
One of Australia’s iconic animals has a big bite but is not as fearsome as it’s made out to be.
by Michael Eggleton
Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild
21 May 2013
David Attenborough attempts to prove evolution via Miller’s experiment and wildlife he has photographed, but the facts support creation not evolution.
by Russell Grigg
Evolutionists on the Bible
19 May 2015
Philosophical naturalism sought to ‘explain away’ the supernatural in the Bible. Unfortunately Christians who accept their uniformitarian deep time, inadvertently also undermine the authority of God’s Word.
by Marc Ambler
The sloth: Slowest mammal on Earth
13 Aug 2018
This creature may lack speed, but its special features make gripping reading.
by Craig Perman
Challenging dogmas
13 Feb 2012
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Aim, spit and catch
15 May 2013
The archer fish’s ability to snare its prey is no hit-or-miss affair.
by David Catchpoole