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Theistic evolution: what difference does it make?
Like fire and ice, the Bible and evolution don’t mix
by Dean Davis
The early church believed Genesis as written
04 Nov 2013
Dr Benno Zuiddam, Patristics and Classical Greek scholar, punctures common misconceptions about the early Church and Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Engaging the transgender debate with truth and grace
12 Oct 2017
A new book helps Christians to tackle a controversial topic.
by Lita Sanders
The ‘water-walking’ lizard
18 Mar 2019
The incredible basilisk has an amazing ability that allows it to skim across the water.
by Michael Eggleton
David Attenborough’s Natural History Museum Alive
15 Aug 2017
Evidence for Genesis not evolution at the Natural History Museum!
by Russell Grigg
Dinosaur disarray
14 Sep 2013
Thousands of large bones entombed in sedimentary rock point to huge watery catastrophe
by Jonathan O’Brien
The junk DNA myth takes a well-deserved hit
22 Mar 2013
A review of The Myth of Junk DNA by Jonathan Wells.
by Jeffrey Tomkins
Heaven vs nirvana
23 Sep 2017
Could the Christian concept of ‘Heaven’ (or ‘the New Heavens and Earth’) come from the Buddhist notion of ‘nirvana’?
by Shaun Doyle
Academic fraud highlights cheating in the sciences
11 Mar 2014
Many secular scientists are willing to report false and fraudulent data to get noticed.
by Shane Cessna
The Hawaiian hot spot and the Bible
28 May 2011
Catastrophic plate tectonics may provide some clues as to how the Hawaiian islands formed when we start from the Bible.
by Tas Walker, Lita Cosner
Tibetan snow lotus
14 Oct 2020
Is the Tibetan snow lotus evolving to elude detection?
by David Catchpoole
Dragonfly design tips
20 Oct 2009
The designers of micro air vehicles are learning from the dragonfly.
by David Catchpoole